Categories: Ambassador Corner

Ambassador Amy Nichols


We are proud having Amy Nichols as one of our most prominent and energetic Buncee Ambassadors! Amy is truly a positive force in the Buncee Ambassador Family. She is an awesome resource for any educator looking for creative and curricular support for Buncee Creations. Amy is passionate about providing voice and choice in student learning. She is a firm believer that every child can learn and possesses great value. Amy sums up Buncee this way: “…I feel that Buncee is much more than just a presentation tool.  It is a platform for students to showcase their thinking and learning.”  

Here’s more of  Amy’s story in her own words:

I am a graduate of Barton College in Wilson, North Carolina, and have been working in education for fifteen years.  I taught both second and third grades before transitioning into my current position as an Instructional Resource Teacher.  As my school’s IRT, I am fortunate to be able to work with teachers and students in all of our classrooms, K-5.  I enjoy sharing my love of technology and reading with students. I am passionate about helping students to see the possibilities in their future.

I’ve been happily married for over 20 years, and I have two wonderful children. I am very proud of both of them. Learning and growing is important to our family.

Follow me on Twitter @anichols32


If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Your possibilities are limitless.”


My proudest moments are the small ones, the relationships that I have built with students.  Some highlights have been the Kindergarten student who came to my office each day to read and talk about all she was learning in science, the 3rd grader who came to my classroom troubled and lacking self confidence who with my support wrote a proposal to start a school newspaper and presented it to the principal; we were so excited when the first issue was published, the students who come to my office each day to check out comics from a bag I keep on my shelf just for them.  What I value the most is making a positive impact on the life of a child.


I am a Buncee Ambassador because I have fallen in love with Buncee and would like to share my excitement and passion for the product with others. In every classroom where I have shared Buncee lessons, students have been completely engaged.  You know you have found the right tool when students are downloading the application and are creating at home on their own time.   Buncee is the perfect platform for elementary students to use to create #BookSnaps.  It works wonderfully with SeeSaw and Google Classroom.  I believe that Buncee should be in every elementary classroom.   


Here are a few of my favorite Buncees I have created ~

Some more favorites are the #Booksnaps that a group of second graders created.  I loved the way that the students were able to share their thinking about the book they were reading, and Buncee provided them with the perfect canvas to create and share.


Knock knock? Who's there? Cesca? Cesca who? Cesca.

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