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Ambassador Fran Siracusa


Fran, a classroom Spanish teacher for over 20 years, earned her M.Ed. in Educational Technology in 2012. Currently, as the co-founder of Calliope Global, she supports educational teams in meeting the diverse needs of today’s students who will be well-equipped players in the global and creative workforce of the future. Her passions are student-centered learning, global projects, digital literacy, learning space design and World Language study. Having managed a 1:1 middle school iPad program as an early adopter, Fran creates unique opportunities for teachers and students to develop a culture of innovation through the incorporation of digital technologies and sustainable global partnerships.

Fran particularly enjoys connecting with educational stakeholders in order to authentically improve the educational landscape. She shares her expertise and experience through teaching, speaking, and professionally writing for educational magazines and blogs. ​Most recently, she has presented at ISTE, ST4T, ECGC16, FETC, K12 Online Conference, FFLA, ECG, SCOLT, FLENEF, ACTFL, FCIS, EdSurge Summit and GEC. Having recently accepted the position of Education Strategist for Monster Math by Makkajai, Fran is an evangelist for “Fun Math” and gamification in the K-5 classroom. In addition, she is the co-founder of EdCamp Tampa Bay, Conquistadors Connect, and EdventureQuests. Finally, Fran happily promotes educational excellence by serving as an Edutopia guest blogger, a Kahoot! founding ambassador, a Buncee ambassador, an EdSpeaker, and an organizer for EdCamp Global, EdCamp Global Classrooms and Edcamp NABSE.

Check out her website & blog: & Follow her at @ProfeEdTech




I have many, but the ones that warm my heart the most are definitely the personal interactions that stemmed from Connections-Based Learning activities I have organized with both students and teachers. The one project of which I am most proud would have to be our “Conquistadors Connect” program. Please see more at these two links:

Conquistadors Connect – USA/Spain immersion experience:


As I continuously explore classroom technology practices as well as share insights and resources with teachers and students globally, I find true gems; both the Buncee digital tool and the incredibly talented and genuine team behind the tool are impactful and brilliant. As I have a huge affinity for connections-based learning, global project collaborations, and World Language initiatives, I hope to further share my experiences with the Buncee webtool in creative and productive ways in order to affect change and better teach ALL students. #iheartBuncee #globaled


I worked with my son as he created his Genius Hour presentation. It was amazing seeing how he brought his work to life, and how he shared his voice, literally!

Click here to see the Buncee.

Also, I made a couple to share on Twitter that I particularly liked. I believe they get more refined as I go!

Click here to see the Buncee.

Click here to see the Buncee.



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