Categories: Ambassador Corner



I taught second grade for nine wonderful years at Buxton Center Elementary School where I passionately integrated technology into my students’ learning experience. During the summer of 2016,  I made the very difficult decision to leave my classroom to become an elementary tech coach. I now work directly with teachers and their students to help them experience all of the best things technology can offer. Although I miss working closely with one group of students, I now have the exciting experience of bringing the joy of technology to 30 K-5 teachers and roughly 600 students!


Focusing on bringing amazing platforms like Buncee to the lives of educators and students is a dream job, and I’m so thankful to be living this dream!


Twitter: @ldelaney03 



“You ALWAYS have a choice about the way you showcase your learning, even if we can’t always choose what the learning is.”


It is impossible to identify one anecdote that best exemplifies my proudest moment as a teacher. To me, the essence of being a great teacher is to feel pride in your students and your teaching methods everyday. I can honestly say that my teaching career is overflowing with proud moments! Whether it’s that feeling I have when I’ve helped my class understand a difficult concept, or that student who finally shares their thinking with confidence and exuberance, or the smiles on my students’ faces and in their hearts when they discover something new, the proud teaching moments that I hold near and dear to my heart are those that reflect my students’ passion for learning. For me, teaching is not about one specific proud moment, it’s more about my whole collective journey in education that has helped hundreds of students realize that learning can and should be joyous.


I am so passionate about transforming classrooms so that students will be excited to learn and grow. My ultimate goal is to create a school culture where students are begging to be let in and sad when they have to leave! Buncee allows teachers to organize their lessons and present them in a highly engaging way. Students can interact with their lessons right from the comfort of their own device, and beyond that they can showcase their own learning by creating Buncees that require them to be creative and critical thinkers. In the very short time that I have come to know Buncee, I have shared it with EVERY teacher that I work with, and I will continue to do that until everyone in my district (and everyone in my entire learning network) is familiar with the awesomeness of Buncee!


This was my first book snap I made to share with elementary teachers. I love the simplicity of Buncee’s drag and drop platform and how visually pleasing the final product is!

I love emailing catchy Buncee flyers like this to our staff to encourage them to try out new tech ideas with their students. How can anyone resist learning about a new tech idea when it’s presented with Buncee’s adorable stickers and animations?

This is a slide that I’m using to help 4th graders showcase their learning about the American Revolution. My students are in the process of designing their own slides, which we are going to use as backgrounds for their green screen presentations!


Laurie Delaney

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