Categories: Ambassador Corner

Ambassador Stephanie Suter


This school year will be Stephanie Suter’s fourteenth year as a teacher and she feels like a brand new student! She is moving up to fourth grade! She began teaching second grade and then moved to third grade for a nine year span. Now, she is moving up to fourth grade! She welcomes this opportunity for change because that is what she looks forward to each new school year: a chance to start with a clean slate and foster a richer, more creative, more reflective, more amazing school year with her students! She is an avid user of Buncee and looks to any opportunity where she can integrate technology meaningfully in her classroom. She loves to use technology to connect to her students, but even more importantly, connect to students and the world beyond the walls of her classroom.

Follow me on Twitter @ssuter4


“There is no such thing as failure!”


My proudest moment of my education career is when my students are able to show me what to do and be the experts. When they can lead their learning and I can be the “assistant” or the guide, that is my proudest moment!


I want to be a Buncee Ambassador because I have found it to be an essential tool in my classroom. It motivates me as a teacher, my students as learners (and teachers), and connects us to classrooms around the world. It is a tool where the students can flourish, grow, and be creative while integrating 21st Century Learning Skills. It makes my students want to “do more.” I  want to share Buncee with others and help them foster 21st Century Skills for their students in their respective classrooms.


This Buncee presented all of the different ways we used technology in the classroom to take my students  around the world without having to leave their seats!


This Buncee explained how to create a Life Map ~ my students then created ‘My Lifesland’.


This Buncee introduced my 4th graders to the global pen pal project, Buncee Buddies.  


At the beginning of the year I had the students create their “Reader’s Timelines” to illustrate who they are as readers and help them share and reflect on what they like to read.


This Buncee was used to introduce The Global Read Aloud to my students.


Math using Buncee!


This Buncee was used to brainstorm how we were going to continue their reading during the summer. Each student created one to make a ‘plan’ for summer reading.




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