Categories: Updates

Buncee Is Headed to ASSET!

Here at Buncee, we’re excited to be going to the ASSET 20th Annual Technology Conference next week at the Huntington Hilton in Melville, NY! This year’s theme is Digital Innovation: Empower the Leader in You, and we couldn’t be more on board. Come to the Buncee Booth to chat with Marie, Francesca, and Bryan. They can help you get your classroom, school, or district on the track to creative empowerment that leads to great outcomes.

In addition to visiting the Buncee Booth, we have a couple sessions that you may want to check out:

Find it at
Kristina Holzweiss
Empowering Students to Find the Leader Within Themselves
Interactive Playground (Savoy Room, Downstairs)
10:45 am – 11:45 am
Bonnie Foster, Christina Moser
Managing Our Emotions: A Collaborative Project
Poster Session
(Savoy Room, Upstairs)
10:45 am – 11:45 am
Bonnie McLelland,
Robert Joyce
Classroom Sorcery and Tech Magic
Session 2
12:50 pm – 1:35 pm


Are you going to ASSET? Give us a shout!


Sean Farnum

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