Ambassador Corner

Buncee is my Jam!

When I first discovered Buncee, I had no idea the impact that this wonderful creation tool and company would have…

6 years ago

Feeling Excited about Buncee 3.0 — A one stop shop for student creation and creativity to soar

What I’ve always loved most about Buncee is that I can create “one-stop creation experiences” for students when making assignments.…

6 years ago

Buncee and Newsela: Revolutionizing Reading Comprehension and Creativity in the Classroom

Buncee and Newsela are hands down, my favorite ed-tech tools. With so many excellent tools to choose from and limited…

6 years ago

Back to School Activities with Buncee 3.0

Whether your school year has started, or you have a few weeks of summer left - the Back to School…

6 years ago

#Appsmashing 101 With Joe Merrill

What's better than peanut butter? What's better than jelly...(drum roll) peanut butter & jelly! Sometimes, things just go better together.…

6 years ago

Meet the Fall 2017 Buncee Ambassadors!

Here at Buncee, we’ve always loved the community of educators that has come together around our creation tools, so we’re…

7 years ago

Join the 2017-2018 Buncee Ambassador Squad!

Welcome! You’ve clicked on this blog at an exciting time - the application for the Fall 2017 Squad of Buncee…

7 years ago


 ABOUT AMBASSADOR AMY MCCORMACK: At my recent 20 year High School Reunion, my friends chuckled as they read my "Peek…

7 years ago


ABOUT AMBASSADOR LAURIE DELANEY: I taught second grade for nine wonderful years at Buxton Center Elementary School where I passionately…

7 years ago


 ABOUT AMBASSADOR ERIC BRYAN: From a young age, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I couldn't really explain…

7 years ago