Categories: Guest Posts

Inspired By Buncee

This time of the year everywhere you turn, you hear about New Year’s Resolutions. Most of them center on losing weight or quitting some bad habit, but I think a resolution should be inspiring.  So, for my New Year’s Resolution, I’ve been inspired by the incredible technology tool Buncee and resolve to utilize it in more powerful ways in both life in my classroom as well as in my personal life.

As for my classroom, I am resolving to find new and unique ways to incorporate Buncee in each of the subjects I teach. Previously, my students have utilized Buncee when learning new vocabulary words and definitions, explaining key concepts they have been learning in math, sharing inspiring quotes, enjoying mindful minutes, creating various projects, and even creating stories. In 2019, I want to challenge my students to find more unique ways to incorporate the Buncee canvas in all that we do each day.

Buncee enables students to have a choice in their creations and allows them to be creative – all the while giving them access to their own voice in everything they create. This is the perfect time and perfect way to take Buncee use to the next level.

On a personal level, pondering my #OneWord2019 Buncee brought me to my journey with my husband, his mom, and her dementia. Two years ago this heartbreakingly cruel disease entered our life. This year, twelve days before Christmas she fell and broke her hip which resulted in surgery, nine days in the hospital, and twelve days in a rehab facility. Through this incredibly challenging time, my #OneWord2019 Buncee appeared in the form of three words: #COMPASSION, #JOY and #EMBRACE.

We need to have and show COMPASSION for all of those we encounter on this road we call life for we never know what experiences they are dealing with behind the scenes. We need to look for JOY in all that we experience no matter the situation because there is JOY to be found…no matter how small it may be. We have to EMBRACE the situations in which we find ourselves because they are meant to happen exactly as they are happening. We need to EMBRACE them along with the lessons they bring and be grateful for how they are growing and shaping us as individuals.

Buncee allows an incredible canvas to document our journey as well as inspire us and others along the way. I am so thankful to be able to utilize this powerful tool in my life and the life of my students. What an incredible experience it offers us – if only we open it and let the MAGIC happen!


About Barbie Monty: Barbie received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education (Cum Laude) from Mississippi University for Women. Upon moving to Tampa Bay and marrying in 2000, Barbie came to Carrollwood Day School. She was drawn to CDS after learning of its character education initiative. She quickly became an active member of the CDS faculty taking a position in the fifth grade. She assumed the role of advisor to the fifth grade School Store where her responsibilities include scheduling students and parents, ordering merchandise, and monitoring its weekly operation which gives students hands-on experience preparing them for their unit focusing on business and economics. She eagerly accepted the role of Inservice Coordinator for the faculty of the ECC, the elementary, and middle school division and excitedly added the high school division upon its inception.
Barbie became the advisor to the fifth-grade Safety Patrol and is responsible for training, scheduling, and monitoring the patrol on a daily basis providing fifth graders with an incredible opportunity to experience leadership roles before beginning their middle school journey. Barbie loves working with the CDS fifth grade students and has been instrumental in developing many of the Units of Inquiry they currently enjoy each year. Follow Barbie’s class on Twitter!
Barbie Monty

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