Categories: Guest Posts

Learning Outcomes Enriched Utilizing Buncee in the Classroom

Numerous technology tools abound for the classroom today, but one stands head and shoulders above the rest. It’s the absolutely amazing creation and presentation tool known simply but amazingly as Buncee. Buncee has completely transformed my classroom into a technological world filled with student creators with imaginations running wild on a daily basis demonstrating concepts they are learning in the most innovative ways using this incredible tool.  Simply using Buncee is magic, but there is far more to Buncee than just fun. I’ve used it long enough to see my students reap the benefits of utilizing this amazing tool in all academic areas. 

Buncee is one of those rare technology tools that has endless uses in the classroom – for all subjects.  Students can use Buncee to explain the current concept they are studying in math.  They can explain what they are learning using text, audio, or even video.  Students can use Buncee to create vocabulary cards.  Buncee allows students to not only record their vocabulary words and definitions, but it enables students to bring their vocabulary words to life finding the perfect backgrounds to highlight their words while adding the perfect stickers and animations to reflect the definition or sentence they created.  There is no limit to the creativity that can be unleashed with Buncee when students delve into creative writing.  The stories that are dancing in their minds can be easily visualized with all of the incredible backgrounds, stickers, and animations that can be found within Buncee. Buncee provides the most amazing platform where students can bring their stories to life in the most amazing ways.  Responding to literature is another fabulous feature of Buncee.  Buncee provides the perfect way to capture student understanding of the texts they are reading by creating Booksnaps.  An added benefit of Buncee is that students can work independently or collaboratively.

Incredibly, though, the magic of Buncee simply does not end with creation. Not even close! Since inviting Buncee into my classroom, I have seen student understanding deepen in all academic areas and learning outcomes soar!  I’ve witnessed students’ understanding of their math concepts strengthened as a result of utilizing Buncee through weekly Math Challenges where students explain the concepts using text, audio, or video Buncees. 

I have seen scores improve from a 77% class average to an 87% class average on reading assessments when Buncee has been utilized for assignments in class and for homework assignments leading up to assessments.  There is a notable difference in student performance when Buncee is involved in the process.  Students become actively involved thus resulting in an increase in their performance. 

I have seen students’ performances on vocabulary quizzes improve considerably after they have created vocabulary Buncees with their vocabulary words, definitions, and using the vocabulary word in sentences. Creation of Buncee Booksnaps after reading passages or stories results in increased performance on comprehension quizzes and tests.  Classroom discussions become deeper and richer in the process. Blank pages that students stare at minute after minute simply disappear when they are allowed to produce their creative writing pieces with Buncee. Their stories tend to be much longer and far more creative when Buncee is the platform in which they are allowed to create. The world that Buncee generates when students are allowed to utilize it is just MAGICAL!  Buncee truly is a technology tool that transforms students into creative geniuses!  It certainly is a privilege to be able to witness this brilliance in action.

Math Challenges and Notebooks

Vocabulary Practice and Creation

About Barbie Monty: Barbie received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education (Cum Laude) from Mississippi University for Women. Upon moving to Tampa Bay and marrying in 2000, Barbie came to Carrollwood Day School. She was drawn to CDS after learning of its character education initiative. She quickly became an active member of the CDS faculty taking a position in the fifth grade. She assumed the role of advisor to the fifth grade School Store where her responsibilities include scheduling students and parents, ordering merchandise, and monitoring its weekly operation which gives students hands on experience preparing them for their unit focusing on business and economics. She eagerly accepted the role of Inservice Coordinator for the faculty of the ECC, the elementary, and middle school division and excitedly added the high school division upon its inception.
Barbie became the advisor to the fifth grade Safety Patrol and is responsible for training, scheduling, and monitoring the patrol on a daily basis providing fifth graders with an incredible opportunity to experience leadership roles before beginning their middle school journey. Barbie loves working with the CDS fifth grade students and has been instrumental in developing many of the Units of Inquiry they currently enjoy each year. Follow Barbie’s class on Twitter!


Barbie Monty

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