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School Library Month Resources

Ahh sweet April! Showers, (hopefully) flowers, and School Library Month! We’ve seen how school libraries can be the epicenters of innovation and 21st-century learning. School libraries are no longer just home to books (although, you knew that). They are the home to makerspaces, digital creation tools, innovation labs and more!

In honor of school libraries, we’ve pulled together our favorite resources for our librarian community. Check out the articles and events below for activity ideas to celebrate with your students this month.

Buncee In Your School Library

Fun Events To Celebrate

  • April 6th, 8 PM EST: Teacher Librarian Shannon Miller will be guest moderating a joint #Bunceechat & #GlobaledChat! This chat will focus on school libraries as global hubs.
  • April 9th-15th: National Library Week: a week to recognize all the gifts libraries have to offer us.
  • April 22nd: It’s Earth Day! Whether you’re a part of Buncee Buddies: Earth Day 2017 or you’re creating an environmental science lesson, we hope you and your students enjoy this day & go outside!
  • April 27th: Happy Poem In Your Pocket Day! Check out this YouTube Live event you and your students can participate in it.

School Library Inspiration


Knock knock? Who's there? Cesca? Cesca who? Cesca.

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