lesson plan

SDG Goal 2: Plant and Grow Lesson Plan!

From a seed of inspiration to a sprout of reality, this project blossomed into a Buncee-fied beauty after my co-taught…

5 years ago

#SkypeBunceeBuddies: Oceans Day Conservation Lessons!

Our latest collaboration with Skype In The Classroom, the #SkypeBunceeBuddies Oceans Day project, celebrates Ocean Conservation and World Oceans Day (June 8th). To inspire…

6 years ago

Buncee Your Adventures! Using Buncee to Write Choose Your Own Adventure Style Stories

Many of us who grew up in the 80’s and 90’s have fond memories of the Choose Your Own Adventure…

6 years ago

6 Buncee Activities to Enrich Your Students’ Experience with Wonder

I really loved reading RJ Palacio’s Wonder with my students. We shared laughs, tears, and righteous anger. The most powerful…

7 years ago

5 Buncee Activities for a Thankful Classroom

In the United States, November is a time for us to focus on the things we’re thankful for, and honestly,…

7 years ago

10 Ways to Use Buncee Boards in the Classroom

Buncee Boards are digital bulletin boards within your virtual Buncee classroom. Buncee Boards allow you to create a collection of…

7 years ago

Back to School with Buncee

Whether you’ve got a little summer left, or a lot - chances are that your thoughts are already turning to…

7 years ago

Four Fun Pi Day Lessons

The following is a guest post by Todd Flory, Buncee Ambassador and fourth-grade teacher at Andover School District. Follow him on…

7 years ago

St. Patrick’s Day Classroom Creation Ideas

Ah, the luck of the Irish! It's almost St. Patrick's day, and we think this holiday is a perfect reason…

7 years ago

Digital Postcards & Scout’s Open Mind: High School Literature Lessons

It’s one of the most terrifying things in the world. Something that lurks in every classroom -- English, Social Studies,…

7 years ago