student voice

Celebrate #StudentVoiceDay 2020

Join us on May 13th for #StudentVoiceDay 2020, a celebration of learners and voices around the world! For this day,…

4 years ago

Sharing Your Visual Voice with Buncee and Flipgrid

At Buncee, we're committed to empowering students by giving them a voice and choice in their learning. Our friends at…

5 years ago

Buncee Student Artist Contest

In January, the Buncee team connected with Shannon Miller about a really interesting project idea she had in mind: a…

5 years ago

Digital Citizenship and Social Media for Students

Have you ever had to change directions? Well, I did... My class was learning about the Sustainable Development Goals, but…

6 years ago

Transforming Student Voice One Buncee at a Time

I stumbled upon Buncee by happenstance. I was online in a thread about another EdTech tool and kept seeing references…

6 years ago

“Can We Use Buncee?”

Every year, our school's third graders complete a research project. This year, we revamped the project. We decided to integrate subject…

6 years ago

In A World of Choices, why Buncee?

The following is a guest post by educator and Highlander Institute FUSE RI Fellow, Sarah Rich. Here she shares the…

6 years ago

Having a hard time engaging some students? Consider Buncee.

As educators, we are always eager to find new and creative ways to engage students. We are even more eager…

7 years ago

100% Engaged

I'm sure we've all struggled with keeping students engaged for a full class period. The library can be one of…

7 years ago

To This End I Testify – Student Buncee Testimonials

Buncee has been in my classroom for the past two years and I don’t know where I would be without…

7 years ago