Guest Posts

Around the World with Buncee

It seemed that, anything I would think of, Buncee had already thought of, and made available for every student to use! As long as we had a clear idea of what we wanted to create, my mom and I were able to find it on Buncee!
Last week my mom and I had a video call with my Computer Science teacher, Ms. Montaperto. During that call, we learned about how much fun the Buncee program can be! We also learned about the countless resources that the program has, such as backgrounds, stickers, animations and of course – different themes!
Ms. Montaperto suggested that I can create a practice Buncee about things that I love. I love many things, so I did not know what to start with…until I opened the Buncee program and took a look at the backgrounds. The world map was one of the backgrounds you can choose in Buncee. And then it came to me: I love to travel, and I love to learn new things… what if I use this world map, and “travel” around the world? This assignment gave me an opportunity to virtually visit every continent, and learn how to use the Buncee program and its resources.

Together with my mom, we thought of how we would start our Buncee presentation. We knew we could not just start throwing random information at our audience. My teacher, Ms. Petrick, always taught us to start with an introduction, or a hook; something that would grab the reader’s attention and keep them interested throughout the entire story. A story… hmmm… how can we start a Buncee with a story and turn it into the actual presentation with slides?
What if I change the background of one of the pages to an open book, and introduce myself? I could explain why I am creating this Buncee, appeal to the reader by relating to them. Of course, we’re unable to travel because of the coronavirus, so maybe we could add a coronavirus sticker? My mom and I took a look at the trending items on Buncee, and we could not believe it: there was an animated item of a coronavirus cell! It seemed that, anything I would think of, Buncee had already thought of, and made available for every student to use! As long as we had a clear idea of what we wanted to create, my mom and I were able to find it on Buncee!
We also used the web image option for one of the pages (on page 13, we added a picture from the web of maple syrup.) It was absolutely amazing to have all the resources at our fingertips within a single program! My mom and I had an amazing time creating my practice Buncee, and learning fun facts about the world. We loved using all the cool items, backgrounds, and animations, they all fit so perfectly together!
We really enjoyed creating my presentation, and with Buncee’s endless resources, the sky was the limit! 

About Sergei K.
Sergei is a 7-year-old student at PS 254 School in Brooklyn, NY. He loves traveling around the world and learning new things.
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Sergie K.

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