
Supporting Remote Student Learning


UPDATE:  March 30, 2020

NEW Remote Learning Site:  We just launched Buncee’s new remote learning site on www.remotelearning.buncee.com! Whether you are a teacher, administrator or parent, you can use this site as a centralized hub for helpful resources for getting started with distance learning, and view lessons and activity ideas to help you make the transition with your students.

Free Buncee Access:  COVID-19 impacts each and every one of us. To support our community of educators whose schools are experiencing closures due to the outbreak, we’re providing free access to Buncee for the duration of their school’s closure. Learn more here.


Whether due to illness, injury, or other extenuating circumstances, students and teachers are sometimes unable to attend class for an extended period of time. In these cases, remote/online learning is a great option to keep learning engaging and to make communication between students, teachers, and parents seamless. Buncee makes remote student learning and communication easy. We spoke with educator and author Rachelle Dene Poth, and here’s what she had to say regarding Buncee and remote learning:

Using a platform like Buncee enables students to work from wherever they are and whenever it is convenient to them, where they are most comfortable, plus they have access to connecting with learners from around the world.

At Buncee, we know that when we work together, we can create an interactive environment where student success can flourish no matter a student’s age, abilities, or location. Our friends in Education Technology, such as Microsoft Teams, Flipgrid, Wakelet, and Google, are just as passionate about supporting remote learning. Here’re some of the ways you can use Buncee together with these other educational tools to support your students, wherever they may be. 

  • Create virtual lessons and assignments
  • Have students virtually respond and reflect on course activities
  • Easily share class lessons and learning resources
  • Keep the discussion going in a safe environment
  • Share updates, agendas, and check-in with your families

For more detailed information on how you can achieve your learning goals in a remote learning environment, we’ve created these resource kits, so you can explore: 

Together, we’re working to make learning accessible, easy, and fun for students everywhere. As Rachelle said, 

…we are no longer confined to learning that only happens in the classroom. Creating a digital space where students can learn from one another, building many skills in the process, is what we need to do today to best prepare students for the future. 

We’re here to help you support your students in whatever way we can, so feel free to get in touch with us via our live support chat, or email us at info@buncee.com. You can also sign up for a free, live webinar here. Of course, you can also reach out to us on Twitter, and join our Facebook Educators group.

EVERYONE! @Buncee is incredible. In less than 10 minutes they have set me up to get Buncee to my students while we embark on this distance learning adventure tomorrow! WOW. Thank you. @CitiCoach you already know how AMAZING these peeps are!

Susan Hellard, NBCT, @SusanHellard


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