Are YOU Ready to Take the #BunceeChallenge?

Since this blog post was published, one amazing educator went way, way, way beyond the goal to complete the Buncee Challenge. Buncee Ambassador Elaine Deja compiled 120 Ways to Buncee! We were, of course, blown away. We regularly say that the possibilities are endless with Buncee. Elaine really did a phenomenal job of illustrating that idea! Check out her work here: 


And then check out the original challenge!

One of the coolest things about working at Buncee is seeing how many great ideas our users share with us and the Internet each day. The community that has grown around Buncee is full of ingenious teachers who love to share. And listen, it’s February, so we wanted to share the love right back with our users as an early Valentine! Thus, #BunceeChallenge was conceived if you share the ways you love to Buncee, we’ll send it right back with some discounts and a few surprises!  So now, the question is: Are YOU ready to take the #BunceeChallenge? Can you match all twenty ways to Buncee that we’ve shared on the chart? Can you think of more? We’ve identified 20 Ways to Buncee on the chart below, we’ve got some backgrounds and stickers in a special category for you to share all of the ways that you Buncee.

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During the month of February, we’ll be sharing some of our favorite ways to Buncee, and hashtagging it #BunceeChallenge. We would love for you to play along, and share some of your favorite examples with us. As you’re sharing ideas (and learning new ones), keep track on your own #BunceeChallenge card. You can find them in the Backgrounds Library on Buncee, in the #BunceeChallenge category. When you fill up your card, share it with us using the form at the bottom of this page, and you can earn badges and discounts! I’ve included a sample (with four free ideas…) of a beginning #BunceeChallenge card. Notice that for each way that I’ve included, I’ve added a link to an example Buncee.

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In addition to the prizes listed here, we have a few surprises in store for people who share some really great work!

You’ve got until February 28 to post your #BunceeChallenge card. In the meantime, get tweeting, and start working on the #BunceeChallenge!

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