Breaking Through: Special Needs Student Shines With Buncee

There are certain stories our educators share with us that highlight the impact that Buncee can have on the students we serve. One such story was told to us by, Amber McCormick, a Buncee Ambassador and Global Studies teacher. Amber tells us of how she used Buncee to guide one student to confidence and success; providing the opportunity for his genius to shine as he became the schools’s go-to Buncee teacher! We’re honored that Amber shared this story with us and truly thrilled to have played a role in this student’s success.

We hope this story inspires you as it inspired us. Click the button below to read Amber’s Buncee School Story. As always, we would love to hear your reactions and stories from your classroom as well so please reach out to us on social media and at

Breaking Through: Special Needs Student Shines With Buncee


  • April 20, 2017

    Linda Edwards

    I too love Buncee, I use it everyday. I am teaching my special needs students how to use it too :-) Today they completed cinquain poems using Buncee, they loved it.
    I enjoyed the article about a special needs students becoming a student ambassador that’s terrific.

  • April 23, 2017


    Hi Linda! We are so, so happy to hear that :) We are honored that you choose Buncee for your students’ work & we’d love to see their finished Buncees!
    Thank you for doing the work you do as an #EduHero!

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