Buncee Projects: DigCit Superheroes & Mythological Creations

If you’re here, you know how incredible Buncee truly is. Ever since I started using it in my own classroom, I have periodically had students who utter the magical words “I’d love to play with Buncee too!” Oh, it just makes my heart so happy to hear that! Since I’ve had success using Buncee with my own students, when I was afforded an opportunity to work with students this summer, I knew Buncee had to make an appearance in my plans.  

I was asked to teach two very different classes for my district’s STEPS Institute for Academically Gifted students. One class was with middle school students and was titled “App Smash.” Of course, Buncee was the perfect fit! After doing a short Nearpod lesson on Digital Citizenship, I assigned the kids the task of creating a Digital Citizenship Superhero! This was an activity that I adapted to Buncee from CommonSenseEducation, and it turned out to be SO fun!


Before I required students to submit their Superheroes, I gave them time to just tinker around and become acquainted with the different pieces of Buncee. After students had some tinker time, they began making their Digital Superheroes. They were required to give their superhero a name and a story.  Here are two of the best ones:

Lady Wifi: She can sense when you are going to post something bad and she turns off your Wifi before you can hurt someone’s feelings.


Tweeter Man:  He can stop you before you post something hurtful online.


The other class I taught was called “Zeus and Friends,” and it was geared towards elementary students. Their assignment on Buncee was to create a god or goddess based on the gods and goddesses we had studied over the first couple of days. These students blew me away with their creations! Here are a couple:



Though these projects may not be supremely detailed; for just two days worth of work these students demonstrated why Buncee is the incredible creation tool that it is. It was very easy for them to figure out the various components and get creations that look as good as these do!

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