Buncee’s Cyber Monday Sale

What’s the first thing that comes to our minds when we think of Black Friday sales? Stress! While there’s nothing that can substitute shopping IRL (in real life), Cyber Monday is most certainly the stress-free alternative for holiday sales.

At Buncee, we’re embracing Cyber Monday as a way to show our gratitude to educators. The work you do to prepare students for life beyond school walls is more than important. It’s imperative to the happiness of our children and to the creation of a better world. Our Cyber Monday Sale is a small token of our thanks!

Check out all of our Cyber Monday offers below. All of our offers will start November 20, 2017 and run until 11:59 PM EST on November 27, 2017. Be sure to fill out the Google Form if you’re interested in our school-wide sale!

blog-06Each of the coupon codes below will take 20% off an annual subscription to Classroom Lite, Classroom Plus, or Premium.

Classroom Lite Coupon:   CYBERLITE
Classroom Plus Coupon:   CYBERPLUS
Classroom Premium Coupon:   CYBERPREM

Here’s how to activate each code for your Cyber Monday discount! Be sure to select Checkout when signing up!

For current Buncee’ers, this will apply to your next billing cycle. This coupon code must be activated by 11:59 PM EST on November 27th.


Buncee for Schools & Districts Sale

For every five teacher licenses purchased, you’ll receive five free!

Fill out the Google Form linked below to receive the discount. Keep an eye on your inbox for more information!

Five for Five: School-Wide Sale

To qualify for this sale, purchase orders must be received by January 31, 2018. This offer is not retroactivate. A maximum of twenty teacher licenses will be provided free of charge. You can learn more about Buncee for Schools & Districts here. Contact us at info@buncee.com or call us directly at 917-810-8607 if you have any questions!

Thank you for teaching our children and inspiring us every day! For more holiday happenings at Buncee, check out our #bunceeyourholidays webinar!

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