The Buncee Bus is headed to Philadelphia for the 40th International Society for Technology in Education! This year, we’ve been focused on unlocking the power of creativity, and we’re so excited to share that power with all of you at ISTE 19. Plus this year, we will be revealing new incredible features that will further empower your students.
Check out all the ways you can get your Buncee on at ISTE with us in Philadelphia!
Join us at the Buncee Booth (#947) and chat one-on-one with Buncee Guru’s Cheryl Bonsall, Kristina Holzweiss, Amy Storer, and Don Sturm to ask and learn about their Buncee learning strategies firsthand! Or … sit in on any of our educator-led sessions at the booth. Download the schedule here and save it as a phone image for a quick reference.
Fill out this form for an emailed schedule of events & to connect with the Buncee Team @ISTE.
Rachelle Dene Poth- In Other Words, Book Signing @ 11AM
In Other Words is a book full of inspirational and thought-provoking quotes that have pushed Rachelle’s thinking, inspired her, and given her strength when she needed it. The book shares stories around the importance of growing ourselves as educators, knowing our why, learning from and embracing failures, as well as taking risks with learning so we can become our best selves for those we lead and learn with.
Don Sturm- Buncee Chopped @ 1PM
Learn how easy it is to get started creating with Buncee! Don will show you how to quickly and easily create stunning graphics on Buncee.
Dr. Roland Rios- Buncee Your Social Media @ 2PM
Everyone knows Buncee is a great presentation tool but did you know you can use a Buncee to spice up your social media presence? Come learn how to “wow” your followers and friends!
Kristina A. Holzweiss- Come and Chat about Hacking School Libraries@ 3PM
In Hacking School Libraries, 2015 School Librarian of the Year, Kristina A. Holzweiss, and 2017 Sensational Student Voice Award finalist, Stony Evans, bring you 10 practical hacks that will help you create a welcoming and exciting school library program. They show you how to rethink your library to become the hub of the school community, whether you are a veteran librarian or just beginning your career.
Patricia Carbone- Journaling with Buncee @ 4PM
Journey into History: the story of one soldier’s journal during WWII. Watch how Patricia creates a journal in the perspective of a soldier during the war. She will show you how this project is perfect for students in your classroom.
Amy Storer and Leticia Citizen- Instructional and Technology Coaches can use Buncee too @ 10:30AM
Amy and Leticia will share different ways that instructional coaches and leaders can use Buncee to impact campus culture and adult learning.
Shannon McClintock Miller- Share and Tell with Future Ready Librarians @ 1PM
Future Ready Librarians come share how you empower your students as creators with Buncee! This is your time to shine as Future Ready Librarian Spokesperson, Shannon McClintock Miller, leads a fun, fast-paced FRL Show and Share in the Buncee booth on Tuesday. We can’t wait to see what you and your students, teachers, and community created!
Elisabeth Bostwick- Take the L.E.A.P.: Ignite a Culture of Innovation, Book Signing @ 2PM
Take the L.E.A.P.: Ignite a Culture of Innovation encourages educators to reimagine learning through meaningful experiences that spark curiosity, inspire creativity, and promote student agency.
Laurie Guyon and Michael Drezek- STEAM Up your Buncee Game @ 3PM
With Buncee as your ultimate creation tool, there are many ways to level up your STEAM game. Learn how we have used Buncee across these content areas. Buncee pairs perfectly with drones, robots, Global STEM Hubs, Buncee Buddies, math collaborations, Global Maker Day creations and more. We’d also love to learn how others might use Buncee to STEAM up learning in the classroom.
Recommended Sessions at ISTE!
Shannon Miller
Leading From the Library in the Digital Age @ 9AM
Patricia Smeyers & Dr. Thomas Tufaro
Express Yourself! Getting Googley with Apps, Extensions, and More! @ 1PM
Kristina Holzweiss & Kathleen Kersznowski
The Epic Breakout EDU Appsmash Challenge @ 1:30PM
Laurie Guyon
STEM Playground: Come PLAY (Participate, Learn and Actualize Yourself) @ 12:30PM
The Power of Stories Using Digital Tools @ 2PM
Rachelle Dene Poth
6 Mobile Resources That You’ll Want to Use in Your Classroom Now! @ 4PM
Rachelle Dene Poth
The Quick Start Essentials for Going Global with PBL in your classroom @ 10:45AM
Joe Merrill & Kristin Merrill
The InterACTIVE Classroom: Making Intelligence Interactive @ 11:45AM
Shannon Miller
Future Ready Librarians Lead With Literacy @ 3:15PM
Michael Drezek- Global Buncee Book (10-11)
Let the Games Begin! Come Play with Global Classrooms and SDGs
We are looking forward to seeing you all at #ISTE19!
Read Buncee’s ISTE Highlights from 2018:
What an Awesome ISTE 2018 We Had!