New Coffee Talk Video Series

Coffee Talk with Rachelle Dene Poth

At Buncee, we are so fortunate to have a community of educators who inspire us with their passion for student success, and the work they do both in the classroom and beyond. We love interacting with our community, hearing their stories, and learning from their experiences.

However, we wanted to do more to connect with our community, and to share the amazing stories we hear with other educators. Our goal was to sit down and talk to educators about their experiences in the classroom, and to share their knowledge and expertise in the hopes of inspiring other educators.

We turned to one of our Buncee Ambassadors: educator, consultant, and author Rachelle Dene Poth, and together, the idea for a new video series was formed! 

Coffee Talk is a new video series all about how educators utilize Buncee in the classroom. In each episode, Rachelle sits down with a different educator, and they chat about a variety of topics, from using Buncee to create and share what you visualize, to using Buncee to assist with SEL lessons, appsmashing with Microsoft Teams, implementing Immersive Reader in the classroom, and so much more! 

Through the Coffee Talk series, we hope to bring educators from all over the world closer together. Rachelle loves the chance to connect with her fellow educators, and had this to say about the Coffee Talk series: 

What I love the most is having the time to talk to educators in different roles and experiences, and hear how they are using Buncee in their role and the impact that it is making in education. Not just in one classroom, but on a global scale.

Recently, Coffee Talk has featured educators from schools in Egypt, Vietnam, and across the globe! We are so grateful to the educators who have given their time and who have shared their passion for creative learning. It is fascinating to hear different educational perspectives and experiences, and when we listen to and connect with one another, we all get one step closer to our learning goals. As Rachelle says:

Being able to create and share Buncees, especially student work, with the school and the global community, takes learning to a whole new level. Seeing the way each educator creates and finds meaningful ways to empower students in learning has been inspiring.

We hope that the Coffee Talk series inspires you too, and that we continue to connect with and share the amazing work our community does each and every day.

Check out this Buncee with all of our Coffee Talk videos: 

You can also watch a playlist of our Coffee Talk videos right here!

Be sure to stay tuned for more Coffee Talk episodes premiering soon! And as always, be sure to follow us on Twitter, and join our Facebook Educators group so you’ll never miss an update.

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