Professional Development Badge For The Win

At Buncee, we are always learning from our community. Whether it be through tweets displaying ways to use Buncee that we’ve never even thought of or through discussions of teaching techniques with our ambassadors – we are always learning! It’s one of the things we love about working with educators.

This learning makes our work even more enriching, and it’s why we are big fans of lifelong learning. We also love how many folks facilitate PD at EdCamps and faculty meetings. So, we took our love and created a Buncee PD badge! This helpful artifact can be used to promote sessions or shared with budding Buncee creators.

Click on the button below to download the digital badge.

Buncee PD Badge

If you’re hosting a PD session – reach out to us! Simply email We are here to support you in any way.

Also, stay tuned for #Bunceechat! This monthly Twitter Chat brings together educators to share and learn from each other on topics ranging from presentation design to global projects. See you there!

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