What’s New in Buncee?-Week of Sept 9

Welcome back to school! Buncee’s here with new ideas and activities that will make your school year easy and fun! Let’s take a closer look at what’s new this week:

New Ideas for Back to School
Start off on the right note by getting to know your students, and by empowering them to express their voice and choice. Check out Buncee Ideas Lab, and search “Back to School” to find tons of ideas perfect for the beginning of the year, like:

💡 Break the Ice with a Board Game!

💡 Get to Know Your Classmates with a “Guess Who?” Game

💡 Make Your Mark with Your Own Dot for International Dot Day

💡 …and so much more!

New Candy-mojis!
New candy-mojis have arrived to make the start of your school year even sweeter! Perfect for Social-Emotional Learning lessons, or for adding a little sweetness to any of your creations, you can find the candy-mojis in the emoji category in the Buncee creation canvas! And if you want to learn more about Buncee and SEL lessons, check out Supporting Social-Emotional Learning and Digital Leadership with Buncee by Jennifer Casa-Todd and Mandy Froehlich.

Back to School Sale
There’s still time to take advantage of our annual Back to School Sale! Our community is so amazing, and we wanted to offer this special discount to make sure you start the school year off right. So don’t forget the most important tool for Back to School: Buncee! 

Back to School Creativity Contest
The school year has started, so it’s time for you and your students to get creative! Share your most creative idea for using Buncee with your students, and Tweet your idea with B2SwithBuncee! You can learn more here.  

Be sure to follow us on Twitter, and join our Facebook Educators group, so you never miss an update!

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