A Student’s Buncee Experience

A Student's Buncee Experience

At Buncee, our goal is to create a fun, educational, and engaging experience for our students. We strive to make creativity easy and accessible, and to encourage students to illustrate their thoughts in their own way. It’s so inspiring to hear the many stories of student success that the educators in our community have shared with us; and it’s amazing to hear students share about their own success with Buncee!

Eighth grader Makana has recently tried Buncee, and she shared her story with us. Read on to learn about Makana’s Buncee Experience!

I wanted to try Buncee, because my mom is a teacher, and she took a class to learn how to use it.  She was very excited about using Buncee with her students and other teachers at her school.  She usually tries things out with me first.  Then, she gets my opinion from a student perspective.

Since the beginning of a new school year is about to start, I decided to create an “All About Me” presentation using Buncee.  Through the search feature, I was able to find an “All About Me Info Card” template, which made it quick and easy for me to create a presentation. 

Even though I had never used Buncee before, I was able to easily figure out how to add photos, images, animations, and videos.

With Buncee, it’s very easy to create a visually interesting presentation or project.  There are LOTS of ready-to-use templates that you can edit to save time.  You can also create your own presentation using Buncee tools, such as shapes, drawing, stickers, and messages. In addition, you can record your own videos, take photos, upload files, and include QR codes.

My favorite thing about Buncee is the Ideas Lab The Ideas Lab can help you come up with really creative ways to complete a project or activity. 

Buncee is a fun way to use technology tools to do things that you can’t do with pencil-and-paper. It’s also easy to share your work with other students and teachers.

In the future, I plan to use Buncee to document my STEM Fair research and create multimedia presentations for class assignments. My mom and I agree that both teachers and students will enjoy using Buncee.

Meet the Author:

Makana S. is currently an eighth grade student. Her mother, Nebi Salim Bakare, is a Science Resource Teacher in Hillsborough County School District, who enjoys exploring new edtech tools. Makana likes to help test out new tools, and shares her student’s perspective with her mother.

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