Ambassador Amber McCormick

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Throughout her 12 year career as a teacher, Amber McCormick has taught many grade levels; and today, she is in her dream role. Amber teaches Global Studies, the charter class at her school. As a teacher to almost 1,000 students, she leads grades K-5 in learning about cultural diversity with a focus on four countries per year. Amber also teaches a digital media creations course to the new sixth grade at the school. This year, she has become very active in the tech world. She attended and presented at various conferences on topics such as augmented reality and sketch notes.

Amber is also an Ambassador for AugThat, an augmented reality company. She also co-moderates the #2PencilChat and #AR4Learning Twitter chats. You can follow Amber on Twitter at @ambielyn19


Amber is a Buncee content master.  She uses Buncee extensively to promote events on Twitter and we’re always amazed to see the layout of her Buncees (see examples below). After the completion of state testing in April, Amber wants to host a Buncee Bash at her school. She plans to have this party the first week of May, so she can encourage teachers to use Buncee for their year-end activities as well as next year’s planning. She currently has a staff of about 100, and she anticipates that approximately 25 of them will be interested in attending a voluntary, after-school training session.


“My favorite Buncee creation tip is to take advantage of the various types of tools available and not just rely on basic clipart and text. You are only limited by your imagination. My favorite use for Buncee has been as an advertisement tool for upcoming conferences as well as Twitter chat question slides for the #AR4Learning chat. Buncee makes for such a professional, clean look. Everyone is always impressed with the professional look of the slides.

My highlight for Buncee is how hands-on the team is. No matter what time of day I tweet something about Buncee, someone ALWAYS responds with a positive, upbeat response. Fantastic feedback and incredibly helpful. I’ve not met a more friendly group of folks. Glad to be on the ‘Buncee Bus!’

My students love Buncee because of the ease of it. They can find ALL the resources they are looking for: images, videos, sounds, animations, and text all in one safe search location. I also love that the sources are sited for all media used within the application.

I would recommend Buncee because it is a company that has literally put creativity back into the hands of students.  With such a huge focus on standardized testing, it is a breath of fresh air to allow students an opportunity to explore and learn with a platform such as Buncee. Kudos to the entire crew for being such a strong inspiration and influence in the education community.”



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