Ambassador Victoria Ruane


Victoria Ruane is a veteran teacher with a newbie’s spirit and a passion for all things EdTech. She has been teaching for over seventeen years and loves working with students as well as other teachers to support them as they develop 21st century skills. She has her Masters in Educational Technology and loves collaborating and connecting with other educators from across the globe. In addition to being an educator, she is a wife and mother to three amazing children, all of which are avid history nerds.



Victoria has been supportive of buncee since the day she learned about buncee. She has organized multiple buncee PD sessions and hangouts to talk to other educators about how she uses the tool in her class. In addition to that, her students organized a session on buncee for another class during their ‘extend and enrich period’, a practice she’s planning to continue with.


“There are so many things that I love about buncee, but I would really like to highlight why my students love it so much! With so many digital creation tools out there, fifth graders have become really good at evaluating those that stand out quickly – even quicker than I can! When we first got buncee at Lincoln Elementary, the students were intrigued. This is because the staff at buncee came to our classroom to show us the tool and instantly loved Harsh and the team members who came to visit. During that session, they immediately saw buncee’s potential and over time it has become one of their favorite apps. It is not necessarily the features buncee offers that put it on the top of their lists, though. The thing that makes buncee stand out to them is the fact that they feel like they have a voice with the company. They feel connected to the people at buncee. The students love seeing things we post on Twitter retweeted, liked, or commented on by the buncee team. They feel respected as equal partners in the implementation; that is unique and so is buncee!



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