Buncee Buddies: Earth Day 2016

“The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” — Lady Bird Johnson

This idea, the idea that the Earth is what we all share, is the central belief behind Buncee Buddies: Earth Day 2016. Buncee Buddies: Earth Day 2016 connects classrooms across the world, from sea to sea, as students celebrate our Earth and learn cultural awareness. We aim to connect classrooms on every continent to celebrate what unites us all and, at the same time, embrace our cultural differences!

What is Buncee Buddies: Earth Day 2016?

This April, Buncee is excited to host Buncee Buddies: Earth Day 2016, which aspires to connect classrooms (i.e. Buncee Buddies) from around the world to explore how they celebrate Earth Day on their side of the globe! Teachers worldwide are encouraged to sign their classes up for the project and create buncees about the importance of environmental protection, methods of execution, and what the local environment is like in their corner of the world. Once you’re signed up, we will partner you and your students with another class to digitally “meet”, brainstorm ideas, and exchange your students’ creations!

To support your endeavors, all new users that participate in this exciting cultural exchange project will be awarded a FREE 3-month subscription to eduBuncee Plus. Already have an account? Contact buddies@buncee.com for a 10% discount on your next yearly subscription. Below are the steps to the project, the registration form, and ideas to spark creativity.

Haven’t tried out edu.buncee.com yet? Watch this video to learn more!

Why participate in Buncee Buddies: Earth Day 2016?

Every year millions of people participate in this special cause to celebrate the Earth. Our planet generously gives us the resources we need to live our lives, so it’s important that today’s youth learn from their peers about the ways in which they can make their environment more sustainable for themselves and future generations. Through this cultural exchange, students will build connections, cross barriers, and spark creative and inspirational ideas that will help make this world a better place!

Buncee Buddies: Earth Day 2016 Project Steps

  1. Fill out the form below by April 1 to register your class for the project.
  2. Upon submitting the form, you will receive an email from us with a link to signup for your account. This is a specific link that registers your participation in the Buncee Buddies program and validates a new free 3-month subscription. Once you finish filling out your information to create your account, click “Start Trial,” and your 3-month eduBuncee Plus subscription will begin.
  3. Create your students’ Buncee accounts. See how here.
  4. On April 4th, you will receive an email with information about your partner class.
  5. Create your Earth Day Buncees!
  6. On April 22nd, share your Buncees with your partner class via email. Each student can email the partner teacher directly or each student can copy their share Codes in one classroom document that you email your partner teacher. Learn More Here
  7. If you’d like, share your creations on social media with the hashtag #bunceeED16.

*Email buddies@buncee.com if there are any questions!*

Registration for Buncee Buddies: Earth Day 2016 has closed! On April 4th, a spreadsheet of the information gathered from all submissions will be emailed out to all registrants. On that spreadsheet, you will find out who your Buncee Buddies is and their contact information.

Buncee Buddies: Earth Day 2016 Ideas & Resources

  • Head to our Earth Day Classroom Activities blog for some Buncee creation ideas.
  • Start your project with a Mystery Skype! Keep the location of your Buncee Buddies a secret and have your students prepare strategic questions to ask your partner class. Then, have them guess where your partner class is from!
  • Why not Periscope your Buncee creation session? You can save your Periscope with Katch, and share the video of students buncee’ing with your partner.
  • Live Training:  Sign-up here for live training with the Buncee team!
  • Support Page: Here you will find a link to live-chat, FAQs, and our contact information.

We are thrilled to have you join our mission: to celebrate the Earth, explore what unites us all, and embrace our cultural differences!

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1 Comment

  • April 21, 2016


    Nice that you take part of the Earth day. Especially for kids it’s so important to care about our earth. We just have only one planet – so it’s time to change our behaviour.

    Btw: Google also participates with some doodle-drawings on it’s homepage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sDSwYj7xio

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