Buncee’s Newest Feature: Stitching is Here!

Buckle up kids- a new feature is here! Our programmers have been toiling feverishly over their computers (note the photo of Seon below), so you know something great is in the works! This is always a tell-tale sign of an exciting new release, and their latest development is no exception.

Buncee’s newest feature will allow you to “clip” slides from a copyable Buncee. These clipped slides can then be “stitched” (added) into a Buncee of your own OR selected from your “Clippings” page to create an entirely new Buncee.

With this new feature, users can now take slides from an existing Buncee and create a new Buncee or integrate them into a new or previously made Buncee. For example, teachers can clip slides from their students’ Buncees and combine them to create one awesome Buncee of all their students’ work!


A list of what this project brings…

◦ The ability to clip slides of a Buncee.

◦ A page to store clipped slides.

◦ The ability to view and delete clipped slides.

◦ The ability to select clippings to create an entirely new Buncee of them.

◦ The functionality to add clippings to a new Buncee or to an existing Buncee.

To really get excited, check out the videos below!


How to clip and stitch slides of a Buncee:


How to make a Buncee out of Clipped Slides:


Steps to Clipping & Stitching Buncee Slides

1) If you are viewing a Buncee of your own that you’d like to clip, make sure it is copyable by clicking on “Share,” and setting “Copyable” to ON.


When in “View” mode, click on the scissors icon at the top of your screen. Note that this option will only appear if the “Copyable” setting is turned on for that Buncee.


3) From the right-hand side menu, Select the slide(s) you would like to clip.

Now it’s time to stitch your “Clippings” together! You can either create a new Buncee, edit an existing Buncee, or go straight to your “Clippings” page to select “Clippings” you’d like to stitch together to make a new Buncee.

 If you are stitching “Clippings” into an existing Buncee or a new one, while you are on the creation canvas, make sure “Stitching” is turned on by clicking on the gear icon and setting “Stitching” to ON.

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 Click on the plus sign on the slides panel to add a new slide and select the “Stitching” option.


 Choose which slides you would like to stitch to your new or old Buncee.


8) Enjoy your new masterpiece!


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1 Comment

  • April 15, 2016

    chelsea eldridge


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